VG's commentator Anders Giæver has written about blogger Bjørn Stærk, and this has kicked off a rather interesting debate about blogging. One of his points is that bloggers tend to read and respond to blogs which are aligned with their world view. Although I don't agree to this with respect to blogs, I do think this is the case in the general media -- especially in the U.S. where the competition and the media channels are vastly more diverse than what is the case in Norway. 20 years ago, 80% of the American population could be reached via the three major networks (ABC, NBC and CBS). Today, less than 20% of the population can be reached through these channels. The rest? Reading online, playing computer games, watching cable or listening to their MP3 files. Or maybe shopping or working remotely online.
And this trend can easily lead to a polarization -- which I think is what we are witnessing in the US (e.g. conservatives watching Fox News).